Welcome to THUBA Summer Hack Official Landing Page, everything you want to know about the hack is here!


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<aside> 💡 Table of Content目录


Overview of Hackathon

From August 1st to September 17th, 2022 TSH - THUBA DAO’s Summer Hack is open for global applications from all universities and all young buidlers!

Looking for a blockchain summer festival? Enroll in a competition with global students? Want to get connected with students and professionals all around the world? Come HACK with THUBA DAO! Global online hackathon for all university students around the world. 2022 TSH is a 3 weeks hackathon hosted on DoraHacks, the world’s largest multi-chain developer incentive platform. With the most prominent players in Web 3.0 sponsoring and offering global resources, 2022 TSH will be the place for young builders to pave their way to success, get connected with their potential partners and become the next generation Web3 Leader!

2022 年 8 月 1 日至 9 月 517日,2022 TSH - THUBA DAO 的 Summer Hack 将面向全球所有大学,并对所有开发者的开放申请!

想参加夏季区块链比赛吗? 希望与全球的学生同台竞技吗? 想同世界各地的学生和专业人士建立联系吗?来参加 THUBA DAO的黑客松吧! 这将是一次面向全球所有大学生的线上黑客松。 2022 TSH 是在全球最大的多链开发者激励平台 DoraHacks 上举办的为期 3 周的黑客松。 凭借 Web 3.0 领域最杰出的参与者赞助和提供的全球资源,2022 TSH 将为年轻开发者铺平通往未来成功道路、帮助开发者与潜在合作伙伴建立联系,并成为下一代 Web3 领导者!

TSH Poster v9.png

Dates and Timing

You have a reason to join THUBA Summer Hack

$60k in Prizes

$10 Gas Grant for All submitted students!

Join THUBA DAO BUIDLer Community





The purpose of this hackathon is to provide a platform for students all over the world to display and communicate. Therefore, we make the following rules for participants and teams:


Bounty Info



THUBA DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) initiated by Students from Tsinghua University Student Blockchain Association (THUBA). We gather, educate, and incubate outstanding students to enter the web3 world.  As a DAO, we start from Tsinghua University and welcome all enthusiastic students across the world. Our Mission is to Bring Blockchain to Everyone. Bridge the gap between our Students and the Blockchain World. Help more students to Learn about Blockchain, help talented students to get connected and build their networks, help students to explore blockchain and try their ideas and do cool stuff, cultivate the next generation Web3 leaders.

THUBA DAO 是由清华大学学生区块链协会(THUBA)学生发起的去中心化自治组织(DAO)。 我们聚集、教育、孵化优秀学生进入web3世界。 作为一个DAO,我们从清华大学开始,欢迎全世界所有热情的学生。 我们的使命是将区块链带给每个人。缩小我们的学生区块链世界之间的差距。 帮助更多的学生了解区块链,帮助有才华的学生与区块链世界建立联系并建立他们的网络,帮助学生探索区块链、尝试他们的想法,并鼓励他们做一些很酷的事情,THUBA DAO旨在培养下一代Web3领导者。

About our Beautiful Sponsors who supports the student community:


EduDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) connecting disparate university ecosystems to enhance collaboration and data exchange and foster a new generation of blockchain and Web3 innovators.

EduDAO 是一个去中心化的自治组织 (DAO),连接不同的大学生态系统,以加强协作和数据交换,并培养新一代的区块链和 Web3 创新者。


BitDAO is a collective of builders and stakeholders enabling mutually beneficial Web3 ecosystems of people, products, and public goods.

BitDAO 是一个由建设者和份额持有者组成的集体,支持人员、产品和公共产品互惠互利的 Web3 生态系统。


Algorand (ALGO) is a blockchain platform and cryptocurrency designed to function like a major payments processor.

Algorand (ALGO) 是一个区块链平台与加密货币,其功能是一个主流链上支付处理器。


Polygon is a decentralised Ethereum scaling platform that enables developers to build scalable user-friendly dApps with low transaction fees without ever sacrificing on security.

Polygon 是一个去中心化的以太坊扩展平台,使开发人员能够以低交易费用构建可扩展的用户友好 dApp,而无需牺牲安全性。


The DFINITY Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that develops the Internet Computer, a public blockchain network platform based on the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP)

DFINITY 基金会是一个非营利组织,致力于开发基于互联网计算机协议 (ICP) 的公共区块链网络平台互联网计算机

Manta Network

Manta Network is a decentralized project that delivers plug-and-play privacy for the entire DeFi stack. Built as a layer-1 protocol, the project leverages zkSNARK to provide algorithmically private on-chain transactions.

Manta Network 是一个去中心化项目,可为整个 DeFi 堆栈提供即插即用的隐私保护。该项目作为第 1 层协议构建,利用 zkSNARK 提供算法上的私有链上交易。


TF META is committed to building a blockchain education highland and an impact community of blockchain talents in China. TF META targets at cultivating talents in innovation, technology and art field.

梯峰教育科技致力于打造区块链教育高地,建设中国区块链人才影响力社区, 输送创新型科技、艺术人才。


Through simple, secure, and scalable technology, NEAR empowers millions to invent and explore new experiences. Business, creativity, and community are being reimagined for a more sustainable and inclusive future.

通过简单、安全和可扩展的技术,NEAR 使数百万人能够发明和探索新体验。商业、创造力和社区正在被重新构想,以实现更可持续和更具包容性的未来。


Mina is the world’s lightest blockchain, powered by participants. Using zero knowledge technology, Mina is creating the infrastructure for the secure, democratic future we all deserve.

Mina 是世界上最轻的区块链,由参与者提供支持。使用零知识技术,Mina 正在为我们所有人应得的安全、民主的未来创建基础设施。


Scroll is a native zkEVM Layer 2 Solution - EVM equivalent zk-Rollup with a strong proving network. Developers will have exactly the same development experience as Ethereum. Existing DApps can migrate over onto Scroll without any re-compilation.

Scroll是原生zkEVM的Layer2解决方案,即: EVM equivalen zk-Rollup 。开发者将拥有与以太坊完全相同的开发体验。 现有的 DApp 无需重新编译即可无缝迁移到 Scroll。


Chainbase provides the unified API, tools and services that developers and partners need and help them move into Web3 and the Metaverse by reducing barriers and costs.

Chainbase 提供开发者和合作伙伴所需的统一 API、工具和服务,并通过降低障碍和成本帮助他们进入 Web3 和元界。

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